I’m under no illusion, there are an abundance of online business coaches out there and I am just one of them.
However, we are all human and have our own personalities, style and way of working. When you’re looking for a new online business coach, it is key to find someone you can ‘gel’ with. It’s also important to find a coach who shares similar values to you.
Let’s be honest, you could have 10 online business coaches, consultants, mentors or trainers lined up and they’d each be slightly different. I wanted to share what makes me truly different.
Here are my main differentiators:
1. More than 25 years’ experience
🚀 I’ll use my 25+ years’ experience and expertise to increase your conversion rate and bring in more sales, while you use the time you’ve saved to focus on other parts of your business.
🚀 I’ll help you understand the effect your sales and marketing have on your business so that you can invest your time and effort on the things that really work.
I didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to be an online business coach. Nor have I been on a fast-track course to learn how to help my clients. Instead, I come with more than 25 years of experience in the corporate world in sales, marketing and business development roles.
When I first became self-employed, I had lots of experience but no contacts with the clients I wished to serve. So, I used my corporate experience and the process of setting up my own business to create my own methodology – my Simplified Sales System – to attract and convert my ideal clients.
It is this method that I teach to my clients.
As an online business coach, I use this system to identify things you can do now to drive immediate success, such as cost savings with your suppliers and agencies or identifying some short-term revenue gains. I also help you build a sustainable long-term plan to grow your business and your sales.

2. Not just theory, but practical and easy to follow tools too
🚀 Increase your effectiveness and save time using my templates – be confident you’re doing the right thing at the right time.
🚀 I give you practical and achievable advice you can apply to make a positive difference to your business.
When I’ve needed help in the past, many people could tell me the theory, or the “what to do”. But what I really needed to know was “how to do it”!
I didn’t want to spend endless hours online receiving contradictory advice about how to set things up. I wanted to work with experts who could teach me what to do and guide me as I implemented this against my strategy. This is my learning style and one which I follow with my clients.
That’s why as an online business coach I’m so focused on working with facts ahead of feelings. It’s the best way to get results! I give you logical, workable methods and easy-to-follow tools that you can tailor to your business, personality, and to a style that feels comfortable for you and your team. I can also help you implement your plans and ideas with execution-focused sessions.

3. I actively support commitment & accountability
🚀 I’ll support you as you learn how to develop your business effectively. Increase your confidence and be proud of what you’ve achieved.
🚀 I’ll help you achieve your business goals by aligning our sessions with your objectives.
I love working with like-minded individuals who are ready to commit to growing themselves and their businesses with someone to hold them accountable. After all, increasing our comfort zone does not happen overnight or by itself. It takes focus, discipline and determination.
This is why my online business coaching provides clients with accountability through detailed follow-up emails after each session. These share a summary of the session along with the actions the client needs to work on before the next session to stay on track.
The following session uses a structure where we review what has happened since our last session and where the client is with the actions we agreed on. Alternatively, we review where they are at with their actions against their plan and then agree how to use the session to move their business forward.
Together, we review whether the volume of accountability is too low or too high and adjust accordingly.

The proof is in the pudding!
Don’t just listen to me – read what my clients have to say about their experience of working with me.
Ultimately, I’m here to remove the stress of not knowing how to grow your business. My Simplified Sales System arms you with credible sales techniques that will confidently guide you through the complete sales cycle, from first touch with your prospect, to becoming a client, and beyond.
If you would like to know more about working with me, book a free discovery call. You can use this time to share your business aspirations and challenges, and leave with some recommendations of things you can implement today.
Not sure you’re ready to chat yet? You can get more insight into the way I work by reading my other blog posts. This one focuses on customer retention and is a great place to start.